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Looking back: Payments Europe’s Roundtable on PSR, PSD and the Digital Euro

Payments Europe hosted a private roundtable for members, friends of the association and industry experts from the European Institutions, to discuss the latest regulatory opportunities and challenges in the payments space. This timely event, just after the European elections and ahead of the new European Commission’s formation, saw valuable contributions from representatives of the incoming Hungarian Presidency, as well as representatives of the Polish and Italian permanent representations.

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PSR Market Review of UK-EEA Consumer Cross-Border Interchange fees: Payments Europe’s Response

I am writing you on behalf of Payments Europe, the association of card-based payment solutions providers. Payments Europe members are active in Europe and the UK, representing card issuers, card acquirers, and card schemes. Our mission is to promote the value that card-based payments bring to the economy and society. We strive for a vibrant, competitive, safe, and consumer-centric payments market, supported by a balanced regulatory framework.

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Position Papers

Digital Euro Proposal: Payments Europe’s Position

The European payments market has seen much change in the last years. Today, there are more brands and solutions available than ever before. The market is working well, and consumers and merchants benefit from the multiple payments options available every day.

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Position Papers

PSD3 and PSR: Payments Europe’s Position

Payments Europe welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) proposals for the review of the Payments Services Directive (PSD3) and the establishment of the Payments Services Regulation (PSR), evidence of the EC’s efforts to further promote the digital transformation and eliminate fragmentation in the European payments market.

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